After conquering the film industry, superstar Amitabh Bachchan is all set to dominate the media. Buzz is doing the rounds that Big B is going to launch his own news channel by the name India 24/7.
An industry source says, "Apparently, Amitabh Bachchan is starting a news channel called India 24/7 and the preparations for starting it, is on in full swing.
It is being planned in collaboration with a big corporate house. Of course, right now nobody wants to confirm anything and everything is hush-hush."
However, it is learnt that Amitabh’s interest in owning a news channel started when he was shooting for Ram Gopal Varma's Rann
where he is in the role of a news channel owner.
Big B wants to launch the channel pre election but now it seemed quite impossible as lots of work has to be done. When asked, Amitabh denied the report, he said, "It's not true".
An industry source says, "Apparently, Amitabh Bachchan is starting a news channel called India 24/7 and the preparations for starting it, is on in full swing.
It is being planned in collaboration with a big corporate house. Of course, right now nobody wants to confirm anything and everything is hush-hush."
However, it is learnt that Amitabh’s interest in owning a news channel started when he was shooting for Ram Gopal Varma's Rann
where he is in the role of a news channel owner.
Big B wants to launch the channel pre election but now it seemed quite impossible as lots of work has to be done. When asked, Amitabh denied the report, he said, "It's not true".
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